
Assinatura de Protocolo de Cooperação entre a Cabnave e o Medicentro.

Signing of the Cooperation Protocol between CABNAVE and Medicentro

In the last week of 2023, the Internal Audit, Budgetary Control and Performance Assessment Office presented the new Performance Assessment System to the employees of Cabnave Estaleiros Navais de Cabo Verde, S.A.. This system was developed with the aim of analysing and measuring the individual performance of each employee, aligning it with the strategic objectives set by the company.

The Performance Appraisal System aims not only to evaluate performance carefully and objectively, but also to identify areas for improvement and professional development. By providing structured and continuous feedback, this system contributes significantly to employee motivation and growth, promoting a more productive and satisfying work environment.

In addition, the implementation of this system reinforces Cabnave’s commitment to operational excellence and efficiency. By making the most of and developing existing human potential, the company hopes to achieve continuous improvement in its results and more effective alignment with its long-term objectives.

The initiative to introduce this system underlines the importance Cabnave attaches to its human capital, recognising that the development of its employees is fundamental to the company’s success and competitiveness in the naval sector.

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