Início » Courtesy visit by the Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau to Cape Verde
The Board of Directors of Cabnave Estaleiros Navais de Cabo Verde, S.A., had the honour of receiving a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau to Cape Verde, Ibraim Sano. This visit is part of the official visits carried out in São Vicente, after the Ambassador has presented his credentials.
During the meeting, topics of mutual interest were discussed, including potential areas of co-operation between Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau in the naval sector. Ambassador Ibraim Sano had the opportunity to visit Cabnave’s facilities and learn about ongoing projects and activities, as well as future development initiatives.
This type of visit strengthens diplomatic ties and opens doors to possible partnerships that could benefit both countries. Cabnave reaffirms its commitment to promoting international collaboration and contributing to growth and innovation in the naval sector.